Bio - Adria Di Maria

Allow me to introduce myself, Adria Di Maria, and the exciting world of Para-equestrian dressage, a sport which has been developing over the past 25 years. Athletes are classified according to their level of disability and compete on a national and international level. I contracted Polio in 1955, and as a result have significant weakness in both of my legs.

My goal is simple: I plan on being the best challenged rider I can be. This means being not only a member of our proud US Para-equestrian Team, but also a respected and contributing member of the community. As a Para-equestrian competitor, I hope to become an ambassador for the disabled athlete and to the world community in the specialty of Para Dressage at the Paralympics in 2012/ England.


Saturday, October 24, 2009

Started working on the FEI Para equestrian Dressage Test Grade III #33. It is conducted in a 20x40 arena which makes it a bit tricky. I hope to learn it by the Nov8 clinic at REINS with Dressage Judge David Schmutz and Olympic Medalist Lynn Seidemann. Harvakatz is the horse I'll be riding since the small turns would be too hard on Pan Pan's legs. I think we made some progress although I didn't do the canter portion of the tests today. I felt I should have my trainer around for that. Then, the following week , Nov 15 I'll particiapte in a paralympic clinic in San Juan Capistrano (about 1 hour away). We'll be taking Havakatz which should be interesing because we have been warned that he gets very excited at shows. This is a clinic, not a if he is "hot" I just will not ride. It will be a good test run......

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