Bio - Adria Di Maria

Allow me to introduce myself, Adria Di Maria, and the exciting world of Para-equestrian dressage, a sport which has been developing over the past 25 years. Athletes are classified according to their level of disability and compete on a national and international level. I contracted Polio in 1955, and as a result have significant weakness in both of my legs.

My goal is simple: I plan on being the best challenged rider I can be. This means being not only a member of our proud US Para-equestrian Team, but also a respected and contributing member of the community. As a Para-equestrian competitor, I hope to become an ambassador for the disabled athlete and to the world community in the specialty of Para Dressage at the Paralympics in 2012/ England.


Thursday, April 8, 2010

Local Physically Challenged Athlete Awarded Funding Grant to Make her Athletic Dreams Come True

Adria Di Maria embraces her dream to shine in the world of equestrians dressage despite her life long battle with Polio and its unfortunate affects. Her dream is to become a successful equestrian paralympian and to ultimately represent the United States internationally. Adria’s philosophy is “it is the ability that counts...not the disability”. Adria is passionate about this journey and will do everything possible to reach her goal. Her greatest challenge is not her disability, although it is very real, but the funds to make becoming a Paralympic equestrian happen.

It is the mission of the Challenged Athlete Foundation to provide opportunities and support to people with physical disabilities so they can pursue active lifestyles through competitive athletics. It is CAF’s vision to be recognized as a leader in the movement through which physical challenged athletes are accepted and respected at the same level as able body athletes.

If you would like to support this special woman in her quest to represent the United States at the state, national and international dressage competitions for people with disabilities, please join Challenged Athletes Foundation
and send your tax deductible donations to:
Scholarship fund for Adria Di Maria
REINS P.O. box 1283 Bonsall, CA 92003