Bio - Adria Di Maria

Allow me to introduce myself, Adria Di Maria, and the exciting world of Para-equestrian dressage, a sport which has been developing over the past 25 years. Athletes are classified according to their level of disability and compete on a national and international level. I contracted Polio in 1955, and as a result have significant weakness in both of my legs.

My goal is simple: I plan on being the best challenged rider I can be. This means being not only a member of our proud US Para-equestrian Team, but also a respected and contributing member of the community. As a Para-equestrian competitor, I hope to become an ambassador for the disabled athlete and to the world community in the specialty of Para Dressage at the Paralympics in 2012/ England.


Sunday, July 19, 2009

Just found out some great news. Debbie McDonald, a world famous Dressage Rider and Olympic Medal Winner, is giving a clinic for Par-dressage Riders.( Date to be announced. ) Also, Shea in San Juan Capistrano is conducting a clinic on Nov 14 & 15 with the Paralympic coach. A Para-equestrian qualifier for the World Games is happening in Southern California March 12, 13 & 14 . As as many of you already know, Sarah and I will be going to Kansas City for the Exceptional Challenge Cup in Novenber. This year is looking pretty exciting!

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